5 Universal Studio Rides That Scared The Living Crap Out Of Me

Today I’m going to be writing about my experiences on Universal Studio rides that I got scared on. The first time I went I was 2 almost 3 the only ride I actually remember a pretty good amount of is the Jaws ride, most likely because it traumatized me and the second time I was 9 or 10. These Rides are in no order what so ever!

1. Jaws

I remember getting on the boat that takes you around the attraction and thinking it was a real boat and wasn’t on tracks. I thought we were actually going on this tour in a jungle attraction, don’t ask me why I thought there would be a town inside theme park, it just made sense to little 2 year old me. You can probably guess what was going on in my mind when the tour guide “lost control” of the boat and everyone was yelling “shark” as these fins popped out of the water. when the great white shark jumped out after a minute which seemed like 10 of me freaking out I was screaming for bloody murder. I thought my parents just trapped me on a death ride! You can probably understand how relived I was when then dumb shark “bit” the “electrical” wire that was in the water and got “fried” to death. I have no idea how I remember this when it was literally 10 years ago! I do only remember clips of it but it was enough for me to remember it to this day.

2. Revenge Of The Mummy

I did NOT want to go on this ride at all! But of course some how my parents got my brother and I to go on it. The time we went on this ride I was probably 9. I Remember waiting to go on the coaster and looking at all the decorations they had out to look at while you waited in line and I already knew I was going to have my eyes closed. Don’t get me wrong I watched the movie and I was fine but there is something about scary rides that my chicken self never liked. I’ve always been scared of lots of animatronics for no reason what so ever. Some how my dad got my family in the front row of the coaster (probably just to scare me even more.) As the ride started it didn’t seem bad for the first like 5 seconds then mummy’s were jumping out of everywhere so of course I had my eyes and my head down so I couldn’t see. But that’s not even the worst part. I heard a speaker say that the ride was coming to a end. The ride stopped so I opened my eyes, but the ride didn’t end then. The mummy then “took over” the ride and we were back going around as the mummy’s laughter was ringing through the speakers. I’m pretty sure I didn’t open my eyes till the lights were on where u actually get off. I mean can you blame me I just went on what I thought was a horror ride then was never going to end.

3. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

I wanted to go on this ride for some weird reason, so me and my family were all going to go on it but sadly my brother Aidan was to small for the coaster so him and my dad went on a different roller coaster across from “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.” I thought the ride was a normal roller coaster not one where your feet are dangling. I really liked waiting in line if I’m going to be honest because all the things to look at they had out. Once I saw that the ride was the style of roller coaster it was I started to freak out. I wanted to turn around and walk out of this building but we already waited like 40 minutes to ride it. As the ride started I already didn’t like it because I was trying to hold my flip flops on my feet as best as I could. I don’t remember how the ride started all I remember is only having my eyes open when we were in front of a screen and not flying around the place. I remember I once opened my eyes when we were not at a screen and there was a huge spider that was spraying water at us. I don’t overly remember lots of this ride I just remember being a little scared chicken.

4.Skull Island: Reign of Kong

We waited in this line for probably like 2 hours! Yes 2 hours! We even had those fast past things. When we were waiting in the line I was very glad we did because when u go through the normal line you would have to go by this monkey woman banging on drums that I was scared of. The ride honestly wasn’t that bad I just didn’t like all the jump scares. I was glad when we got off it tho. I think we ended up going on it again the next day but I enjoyed it when I knew when the jump scares were going to happen.

5.The Cat in the Hat Ride

If you don’t think this ride is creepy then you need to get your eyes checked. The animatronics in this ride where really scary. It’s really hard to explain why I hated this ride but there was something about it. The lighting in this ride didn’t help make this ride less of scene that u would find in a horror movie. I did also used to be scared of the live action Cat In The Hat movie so that would also make a lot of sense of why I didn’t like this ride.

As you can see I was (and sometimes still am) a big chicken. I think if I went on this rides again now I would enjoy them. I mean I literally have laughing attacks in some horror movies. I hoped you enjoyed learning about me and my very over dramatic mind. Now here’s a link to see and learn about some rides at Universal Studio!


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