All about Madi!

Today I have decided to force Madi to let me write a blog about her.

Madi was born on May 13th 2009 making her 12 years old. She was born Selkirk Manitoba and lived at her nana and papa’s for a few months before living where she does now. She now lives with her Mom and dad plus her 3 cats named Bumi, Buddy, and Ruby (Ruby is my favourite.)She also just got a new golden retriever puppy a month ago and they named her Lady. She also has a brother but he moved out this year.

Some Of Madi’s Favourite Things :

Colours : sage and yellow

Food : pancakes

show : Tiger King

Movie : Shark Boy and Lava Girl

Favourite Book : Harry Potter Philosophers Stone

Favourite song : Baby By Justine Bieber

If Madi could only shop at one store for the rest of her life she would shop at Hollister. If she could only eat at one restaurant she would eat at Clay Oven. If she could have any animal as a pet she would have a lizard. Madi has a melon she had drawn on and still has it after 5 months. His name is unknown because she refuses to give him one or throw him out. I’m pretty sure he is molding. And yes she did make me talk about him. She also has a “lawyer” named Robb. Robb is an evil lizard looking toy with a hole in his bottom. Most of the time he hangs out in her bathroom, watching her and everyone that enters from the shelf. Madi got Robb at a flee market in a random bin for 50 cents a few years ago.

Madi’s sleep schedule is very messed up now, because she stays up late watching The Hype House show and Tiger King. Her favourite trip she went on was to Saskatchewan and Alberta.

Go check out her blog with the link below

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